The mind set of him?

My dad and step mom walk in the house, “Guys I just got this weird ass phone call, I don’t know the number so I didn’t answer then they left a voice mail and it sounded like Bella screaming in the background! I got nervous so I called the number back and apparently it was her teachers cell phone, do you think she just butt dialed me because my name starts with an A and generally I’m the first name in people’s phone books?” I told them. “Idk that is weird.” My step mom replies.
“Dog will you shut up!” I yell ” Dad just let him out of the kitchen he already went to the bathroom so he’ll be fine.” The conversation turns into how my other daughter is getting so big to how Lisa has to go to work soon.
My phone rings again, “hold on guys now it’s Greece central” “Hello?” ” Hi, can I speak to Alyssa?” “This is she” I respond “Hi Alyssa this is Jen the nurse at holmes road, Bella had an explosion in class and we have no more pull ups or spare clothes for her to wear so she has to wear someone else’s home. Do you think next week you could send in some?” “That’s no problem!” I said “Well I guess she had this same accident yesterday and we told her father when he came to pick her up from school if you would have sent things in she would have been prepaired for today’s incident!” She says with a snarl in her voice. “I had no idea, her father doesn’t tell me anything! The last thing I am is an irresponsible parent and if her teacher would have just wrote a note in her folder when Bella was getting low on supplies we wouldn’t be in this pickle in the first place!” I replied letting her know I was not only annoyed but upset with the accusations. “Well either way would you be able to come pick her up she seems a bit off and considering it has happened two days in a row we think she may have a bug and think she should be home. ” “You do realize it is 20 minutes before the bells ring correct? I only have 1 vehicle and that is currently with my boyfriend at his job, now my dad and his girlfriend are here and I will ask them but it would take me longer to get all the way down to her than it would to just wait for her father! But if they can’t take me I will call her father and ask him to pick her up early.” I said. She then gave up with my attitude and said her goodbyes with some long spiel about calling her back if she has a ride.
“Fuck her!” I said to my dad and Lisa, “what a bitch!”  “This year has been nothing but problems and lack of communication with this school and now you want me to cater to you because my daughter has had bowel issues which we all know she has had sence the day she was born!” We then discussed how this has always happened to poor Bella she has always had an issue with her bowel movement, this is nothing new and the school nurse, teacher, and I have had talks previously about this issue. I then called her father, explained what was going on and he said his girlfriend was on lunch so she would pick her up from school for us.
Later that night I sent a text to his girlfriend to see how Bella was feeling, if it was just her common bowel problems,  or if she was in fact sick. She replied with Bella is doing fine so I assumed all was well again.
Today I start my day like any other, not a thought in my mind except that my cousin is coming over later so I wanted to get my usual cleaning done early before she came instead of later when Steve was home and in my way, ha ha.
I sent a quick text to Brit, Jonathan’s girlfriend asking her if she could have Jonathan call me sometime before he brings Bella home tomorrow. I didn’t specify what it was about but I wanted him to send clothes into the school and I would send the pull ups in sence I did both in the begining of the year and figured he could just bring the spare clothes when he dropped her off tomorrow.  There not always the best at returning calls or text so I went on about my day starting my cleaning routine. Not long after I finished cleaning did I get a text from my mom.  “I’m surprised you didn’t ask about Bella today” the text read. “Oh shit I did all my cleaning early today because Kelly is coming over later and I wanted it done early, did she call me? How was dance this morning?”I replied “Well she didn’t go they sent me a text saying she had an upset stomach and they wanted her to stay home and rest, which is fine just don’t tell them I told you.” She replied.
OK ok ok, now I’m pissed because I tell him about all of her doctors appointments and when she is sick why does he feel that it is ok not to inform me that she still isn’t feeling well? All I can think is all she probably wants is her mommy because I can’t speak for you but as far as I’m concerned when I’m sick I still want my mom and I’m 29 years old! My second thought is maybe her bowel issues have really come to something serious maybe she needs to go to the doctor to make sure nothing internally is going on. And then my last thought is that the least he could do is let me know what exactly is going on with her. I don’t care that she missed dance, knowing Bella she probably did need rest, unlike most kids her age she has a hard time getting through a full week of school, but that doesn’t mean you can just write off the mother of your daughter and not include her in subjects like our child possibly being sick.
In writting this blog I took a quick break and thought to myself instead of writting about him and sitting in the dark why not give them a call! I called their house phone expecting no one to answer when low and behold the phone picks up. “Hello?” I hear on the other line “Hey Jonathan what’s going on with Bells? Mom said she missed dance because she didn’t feel well?” I asked politely not knowing what his response is going to be. “NO she’s good, she’s right here dancing with her hat on, want to talk to her?” “Ah YEAH!!!” I yell “HIIIIIII MAMA MAMA MAMA!!” I hear on the other end her sweet sweet voice. So gental but so loud. The excitement in her voice to hear me on the other end makes me feel so good inside, maybe she is fine I think to myself. “Hey baby, are you having fun with daddy and Brit?” “Yeah!” She yells “That’s good baby, I’m going to let you finish dancing so mama can talk to daddy.” “OK, byeeee” she says “Hello, oh shit she almost hung up on you.” I hear him mumble “That’s ok, I called because I wanted to ask if you could bring home clothes for her tomorrow for me to send into school and I’ll send in the pull ups?” “Yeah that’s fine they mentioned it to me yesterday.” Then I went into detail about my conversation with the school nurse yesterday. “Oh yeah they did tell me on thursday.” He says, the whole time I tell myself don’t start a fight he does have her from 3:00-9:00 and it probably slipped his mind. “That’s ok it all wound up working out anyways so if you could just send her home with some please” I asked “yeah that’s fine.” It ends civil and with another quick conversation with my beautiful princess.
The moral of this story is to not let my anger get to me anymore when it comes to this school or Bella’s father. As for her school I know I have taken every action possible to try and keep communication between myself and them, it’s them who choose not to inform me of situations. So I am satisfied in knowing that any issues that happen at school is their problem and out of my hands unless informed prior that this or that could possibly happen. As for Bella’s father, don’t always assume what you hear is correct! Yes you dated him for close to 5 years, you know his personality and how he is as a father, 5 years ago, you do not know the man he has become today, or what his girlfriend is involved in when it comes to Bella and him. Not everyone is evil, not everyone tells the truth, and not everyone remembers the whole story. We are not perfect not one of us and situations occur wether we can prevent them or not. Just take each day as they come and do not make an miniscule situation into a HUGE problem because at the end of the day all will be subtle and at ease again.